For inquiries:weekdays 9:00~18:00(Japan Standard Time)
【INFO】Staff blog is updated「アルファード納車」
【INFO】Staff blog is updated「やまログレポート2022-4」
KATO KRM-35H-Ⅱ(MR-350R) 2013yr / RC0294 Currently unavailable as the unit settle...
【INFO】Staff blog is updated「50歳のバースデーPart1」
【INFO】TADANO GR-600N-2(CREVO700G3) 2009yr / RC0078 Currently unavailable as the ...
【INFO】TADANO GR-600N-1(CREVO600) 2004yr / RC0018 Currently unavailable as the un...
【INFO】Staff blog is updated「豚汁」
【INFO】KATO KR-25H-V8 2014yr / RC0262 Currently unavailable as the unit settled f...
【INFO】Staff blog is updated「ツーブロック」
【INFO】Staff blog is updated「カキフライ」